Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Evaluation - Activity Three

What kind of media institution might distribute your product and why?

The opening sequence for 'Cherry Blossom' is similar to most Horror films of today, as it creates suspense and fear but does seem too predictable. The short sequence aims to build fear and anxiety within its audience. So when discussing a media institution suitable to distribute our product, we have to consider a company that has produced similar Horror, preferably J-Horror to ensure that we capture our target audience.

Lightening Productions is 'Cherry Blossoms' production company. It shows an animé character glaring or bserving something. The reasons for choosing such an image for our companies logo are; we thought that an animé character would show that we specify in the asian arts, as animé originates frm Japan; the character seems to be staring which indicates that someone is being watched; it has a dark glow to shw that it may be frightening. The name of our company 'Lightening' is a word that we think is suitable as it is a mixture between enlightening (our audience) and a storm (ahead), to create fear.

When researching the roles of production companies, I learnt that they are 'responsible for the development and physical production of new media' and the 'raising of fundraising for the production'. The aim of the production company is to supervise the development of the film, to be able to fund the production aswell as dealing with the legal aspects such as gaining permission to film and then represent the film once its edited Our company had to ensure that we were well prepared and well planned, everything was done to the highest standard (camera techniques, editing, continuity), keeping to a schedule, well distributed and that our audience are satisfied with our final result.

The film that we have created could be released under a company such as Ghost House Pictures as it has already prduced the Grudge, which means that the distributor is aware how to attract our target audience, as we share similar plots/characters. The distributor will know the correct release options to also gain a larger audience and how to appeal to the younger audiences, which benefits our set age range and TMG.

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