Tuesday 30 March 2010

Evaluation - Activity One

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The first screenshot is the title of our film 'Cherry Blossom'. This is a common trait of most opening sequences, as the title always appears. As the genre of our film is Horror, we used the black background to indicate that our film is 'dark' and the red font to connote to the audience that there may be blood, violence and death This screensht has the codes and conventions of a Horror, as the audience are aware of the eerie atmosphere.

The second screenshot that I have chosen, is a two-shot involving the two main characters. This was a key moment in our opening sequence, as it shows Sakura and Jennifer's relationship/bond. This is common within most Horror films as it has two messages; the fear and true emotion of the protagonist and the frightening image of the antagonist. This prepares the audience for the rest of the film. The mise-en-scene used for this shot shows that Sakura is a ghst, with her white robes on and Jennifer's costume and location has the connotations of being a geek. A medium shot was used to show Jennifer's fear and her longing to escape.

This point-of-view, medium shot, is my third screenshot This shows the first appearance of Sakura's character. It is fairly common in Horror films, as most directors like to create a fearful atmosphere from the moment the film starts This POV shot shows Jennifer's shock and fear of the appearance of Sakura's character It is a combination of light and dark as there is a dull tint through out the film, which balances the brightness from Sakura's costume. The atmosphere is a mixture if fear; anxiety and shock.

This screenshot shows the use of special effects when editing. This close-up shows Jennifer's face and her expression of desperation. This type of shot is common among most opening sequences of Horror films, as it helps the audience to understand the emotions and to gain a better character recognition. With the use of special effects, this shot shows the feeling of disorientation, confusion and being ill-balanced.

This screenshot shows the beginning of the opening sequence. This is to explain how the protagonist got locked into the radio room. This shot has the connotations of being lonely and helpless. With Jennifer's character now being alone, it set the scene, as the audience are now aware that something will happen, giving it a tense atmosphere. The medium close-up shows Jennifer's rage and desperation to get out, with her fists pounding on the door. To add to the tension, the dull tint remains to give an eerie feel to the sequence. The portrayal of the protagonist, shows that she is alone and scared.

The sixth screenshot is an establishing shot of the corridor This is to show that Jennifer is alone and that no one is there to help her. Corridors are narrow and long, which has the connotations of a never ending journey and also gives a claustrophobic feel to things This location and setting, is fairly common in Horror films, as it represents the youth The dull tint with the combination of the corridor remind the audience of the quote 'no light at the end of the tunnel'.

This shot shows the use of props. The prop shows the protagonists desperatin to escape. In Horror films, it is usually predicted that mobile phones either have no service or they have ran out of battery. This is to show that the victim cannot escape and this creates fear within the audience. This medium shot, captures Jennifer gripping the phone in such a way that it shows her longing to be safe and free

The eighth screenshot, is another establishing shot, it shows the room where the protagonistis trapped. It captures the hi-tec equipment, which follows the representation of Jennifer and the stereotype of her being a geek The dull tint, shows that it is now late evening. It is usually common for such situations to occur during the evening, as t is dark, which connotes an eerie atmosphere, that something bad is going to happen

The final shot, is a close-up of the antagonists face, this captures her badly bruised face which indicates a scene of violence.Her expression shows a lack of emotion, there is no feeling as she is in fact lonely. This shot takes place in another long corridor, it connotes that Sakura rules the hallways, that it is her domain and no one should be there unless they want to put their selves in danger.

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