Wednesday 27 January 2010

Preliminary Task

This task is set to prepare us for when we begin to film our opening sequence. This is to ensure that we are familiar with the equipment and how to set-up. For this task, I worked with people who werent in my group, as they didnt turn up to our night-class.

As I was chosen to be on screen, I didnt really get to operate the camera as much as I would have liked to. I did still manage to set it all up and position it for the different shots that we needed to capture. For our Preliminary Task, our main focus was match-on-action and shot reverse shot, as they would both be necessary when filming our opening sequence.

During the editing process, Shaun Cambell took control as he had used to software before. So we just spectated the whole process, which was benificial to all of us.

Monday 11 January 2010

Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to my AS Media Foundation Portfolio.

For my Media coursework, I will be working with Anju Tamang and Sustika Limbu. Within the group, I have taken the role of Director, as I feel that you get to do a bit of everything, as I am to oversee every process.